Welcome H.O.G. Member
On behalf of the Tallahassee HOG Chapter, welcome to our Chapter!
The purpose of the H.O.G. Chapter, like many others, is to "Ride and Have Fun"! We plan a variety of rides and activities throughout the year. We plan rides from a short, day ride, to all day rides, to overnight rides, and even Tin Butt Rides (500 miles in 12 hours). Many rides stop at a variety of destinations with most including eating and/or sight-seeing.
We use our e-mail to send out announcements regarding our meetings, rides, events, and any other Chapter news that is of general interest to our members.
You can check our activities on-line at your convenience, by going to our Chapter website at www.TallahasseeHOG.com. If you click on the 'Calendar' link on the left side, it will take you to our Activities calendar. There we post all of our ride information, meeting dates, Chapter events, and occasionally other motorcycle-related notices of general interest. We try to keep our ride info updated for the upcoming few months, and include information on the destination, time to meet, time to depart (KSU or 'kick stands up'), and the names and telephone numbers of the Road Captains for that ride.
If you have any questions at all about an upcoming ride, please feel free to contact the Road Captain. Also, we recommend that you get to the meeting place at the meeting time, not the ‘KSU’ time, as this will give you a chance to meet the other riders and the Road Captain, and get any briefing information about the ride.
Our website also has a lot of other useful information about our HOG Chapter. It has valuable membership information, officer information, links, pictures from our rides, and access to our monthly HOG newsletters. Access to our current HOG newsletters is restricted to members only and therefore is password protected. When accessing the current HOG newsletters, please use the password tallyhog. We hope you enjoy our website and find it to be a valuable resource of information. If you have any comments or suggestions about our website, please let us know.
You can also use our Chapter e-mail address (tallyhog@gmail.com) to contact us with any questions, suggestions, or for any other reason. We are all volunteers who share the enjoyment of riding, and we will get back with you as quickly as we can. If you are having problems receiving our Tallyhog emails, please check your junk email folder and add tallyhog@gmail.com to your address book or white list.
Our Chapter meets at Tallahassee Harley-Davidson on the second Saturday of each month, except for December when we have a Chapter Christmas party. We have a Pancake Social at 9:00am with the regular meeting beginning at 10am. We'll have a dealership presentation, info on upcoming rides and activities, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, and more!
Again, welcome to our group and we hope to see you at the next meeting or ride!
Ride and Have Fun!