Tallahassee H.O.G. is about the experience of riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and our Activities Calendar is designed to give our members the best opportunities to share that experience with others. Each of our rides are planned and lead by an experienced Road Captain that is always interested in new ride ideas and opportunities to share our sport with others. Anyone that has suggestions regarding our rides, please contact our Activities Officer.
Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. chapter members. There are three categories of activities, as follows:
(C) Chapter events are those Chapter events which are open to chapter members and one guest per member.
(M) Member events are events that are open only to H.O.G. members.
(O) Open events are those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.
Best Practices
Tallahassee H.O.G. has developed a list of best practices that all members and guests should be aware of before they ride.

All Rides are Rain or Shine ... on 2 wheels or 4! If you're not sure, check the Activities Calendar or call your Road Captain.
Guests are welcome
Guests are welcome at meetings and on rides. Please let us know who you are, and if you're going on a ride because you will be asked to sign a ride waver. If you are interested in becoming a H.O.G.® Chapter member, additional information and an application is available on our "Join" page.
License to Ride Contest
Each time you attend a meeting or participate in an official Tallahassee H.O.G. sponsored ride you will earn one point. The top three members with the most points at the end of the annual contest will receive special awards/prizes.
Tin Butt Ride
Ride 500 miles in 12 hours with a group or on your own and earn a Tallahassee H.O.G. Tin Butt Pin.